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niedziela, 18 stycznia 2015

Certain someone

Original post: >>here<<.

On my original blog I am adding the course of the Tunisian crochet. Or at least I try to do it. I didn`t translate this part to the English blog -  you have great courses available. I started to talk too much about the Tunisian crochet, so I have to slightly change the subject. I decided to write about ...

Yes. I got permission to set aside the veil of secrecy. The words "top secret" has been removed and instead I have more pressure "finish it as soon as possible." I`m not surprised - in the end these are the things that were to be made in December - the deadline slightly exceeded. With permission of course, so it was not that I avoid implementation of commitments.

I admit that there is a gentleman who really charmed me. They say that dinosaurs dangerous, dangerous - especially the T-rex. They also say that the dinosaurs became extinct. But I do not trust them. There's a certain someone who contrary to popular belief is quite nice and cozy. I mean will be, once I gather him together. For now, it looks like he is good person. Admit it by yourself, these eyes can not lie, right? 

Dino not only earned a pair of eyes, but even the head and rotund belly. In the imagination. He's still waiting to complete. At the end: hungry T-rex, is a bad (angry?) T-rex. I will have to put him together quickly, before he starts to cause problems.

Actually, we're almost at the end our joint adventure. Currently I am finishing second leg. Still feet, hands and I can give him a final shape. At the end Dino should look like this: >> HERE <<. He is really sweet, right?

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