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sobota, 14 lutego 2015

Not lightly

Original post: >>here<<.

Learning crocheting alongside the active almost 18 months old baby is no small challenge. As soon as mother secretly trying to snatch a moment for yourself and getting a crochet hook - suddenly a child appears in front of mother (magic?). Worse if child do not appear, it's best to immediately put down the crochet hook and go on a scouting.

When the baby is awake - Silence is the enemy.

niedziela, 8 lutego 2015

I'm spinning

Original post: >>here<<.

Lately I`m spinning a bit.
I admit quite positive it goes.

It all started with reflection: "what can I do with these yarns leftovers lying in the corner?". I tried several times to get rid of  it/ give away. Ended that most of them obediently returned to the carton and I kept repeating like a mantra "certainly I can still use it".

czwartek, 5 lutego 2015


Original post: >>here<<.

There is no development without mistakes and failed experiments - you have to use something to learn, especially if you're the type who acts first, and then analyze what you should have done.  Why seek the information, look for checked ways - you can still try to throw the open door.