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niedziela, 8 lutego 2015

I'm spinning

Original post: >>here<<.

Lately I`m spinning a bit.
I admit quite positive it goes.

It all started with reflection: "what can I do with these yarns leftovers lying in the corner?". I tried several times to get rid of  it/ give away. Ended that most of them obediently returned to the carton and I kept repeating like a mantra "certainly I can still use it".
Blinders fell.
I can not use them in this form, which they are, but I also do not want to throw them out.
I don`t know what I have, what is their composition and how were brought to me.
What to do?

Purchase a knitting mill!
I might be tempted to cheaper version - doll knitting, but I feel something that lasts forever on reworking it. Waste of time. I needed something fast, so I have.

So I`m spinning...


And what's next?
Crochet basket for toys for my son!

I hope that I finish spin
before my son grow up.

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