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piątek, 30 stycznia 2015

Winter products

Original post: >>here<<.

I went to the tango and the effect is what it is - dissatisfaction son.

Winter can not decide whether to show up to us, or not. Once students from
nearby school play football for PE, and a few days later  the same students were build snowmen  (I regret I could not take pictures).

czwartek, 22 stycznia 2015

Chain on chain

Original post: >>here<<.

My order from KnitPL came to me today. (Note: advertisement!) I love to submit orders there. Twice I happened to "a splurge" at the store, and every time I'm happy. Express shipping (ordered yesterday, today courier knocked on the door), and contact the shop hassle-free, in case of trouble emergency aid and did not even scream when someone would make a hassle.

Shipment arrived today to me and I don`t know what to do.

niedziela, 18 stycznia 2015

Certain someone

Original post: >>here<<.

On my original blog I am adding the course of the Tunisian crochet. Or at least I try to do it. I didn`t translate this part to the English blog -  you have great courses available. I started to talk too much about the Tunisian crochet, so I have to slightly change the subject. I decided to write about ...

Yes. I got permission to set aside the veil of secrecy. The words "top secret" has been removed and instead I have more pressure "finish it as soon as possible." I`m not surprised - in the end these are the things that were to be made in December - the deadline slightly exceeded. With permission of course, so it was not that I avoid implementation of commitments.

poniedziałek, 12 stycznia 2015

Breath of inspiration

Original post: >>here<<.

It turns out that writing the post take much more time than I would have suspected.
Writing an original post and making him to the English version in one day is beyond my possibility. In order not to create unnecessary silence I decided break it in two different days. So what? I didn`t write that the same post in my two blog must appear on the same day. Right?

wtorek, 6 stycznia 2015

So let's get started

On the occasion of the New Year I decided to start writing my blog also in English. I am a member of several English-speaking groups on facebook - it would be nice if I could show you my work without being exposed to strange translations from google translator.
The second argument is the desire to practice English

(I left unsaid the fact that to write the first entry I use a translator - I will improve in this. I hope that I will not do too many mistakes, but practice makes perfect.)

So... let's get started!