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niedziela, 12 kwietnia 2015

Active Sunday

 Original post: >>here<<.

My day has shrunk.
PoTomek decided that he had had enough of walking to bed at 7 pm. He mentioned something (in his own way) that life is too short, and he is not going to waste time for sleep.
Ambitious plans to spend time playing with gravity lost. Eyelids grew far too heavy. The child fell asleep by 8 pm. The next day in a row. Apparently nothing, and makes a lot of difference.
About 8 pm already feels so exhausted that the only thing I wanted to do was crawl under the covers and snore. Especially because the next day still begins at 6 am.

I would like to, but ...
That is not possible.
Loom screams.

Screams very loudly. I'm telling you. Screamed so loudly that in the end I applied the new warp. I had to. My baby slept. What would I do if the scream woke him?
I am still in two colors.

Of course, that nice (yes, I'm modest), but problematic. I have a long warp. I tried to wind it myself, but I still have underdeveloped technique. The tension of the moment makes me trouble. But I will not give up. Scarf for the winter should be. I mean for the winter I should finish it. I hope ...

I'm not finished yet (I'm far from the end, as is to be more than 60 inch in length), and already overtook me desire a light modification pattern. Did I ever will complete all the ideas?

Head! Head! Slow down. The hands can not keep up.
And you know what? I have an idea. It hurt me a little that my loom is only 60 cm (24 inch) wide. But I found a solution. if conditions are favorable, I'll check it before the end of this year. For now, let me not reveal the details. How will check, test and found to be ok - I will write more. I promise.


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